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Eatizen - Marketplace

New Marketplace Feature for Food and Dining App

Eatizen, a food delivery and dining reservation platform developed by Maxim's Group, began expanding its business in 2023 to include retail products with a marketplace function.

I collaborated with an offshore team of engineers from Taiwan and Vietnam to implement a new marketplace feature in the existing Eatizen mobile app. My responsibilities included developing testable components and screens and integrating resources from the Magento E-commerce platform. I focused primarily on the shopping cart and wishlist sections, ensuring seamless functionality and a user-friendly experience.

Client:Maxim's Group
Role:Mobile App Development
Timeline:Sep - Dec 2023
Technologies:React Native, TypeScript, Redux, Apollo Client, Adobe Magento
Eatizen Marketplace Home ScreenEatizen Marketplace Product ScreenEatizen Marketplace Add Product to Shopping Cart ScreenEatizen Marketplace Shopping Cart ScreenEatizen Marketplace Shopping Cart Payment ScreenEatizen Marketplace Add Product to Wishlist ScreenEatizen Marketplace Wishlist Remove Item ScreenEatizen Marketplace Catalog Screen